Outreach - Guest

Outreach - Guest

Outreach is reaching out to influencers and journalists to get your brand’s name in front of them. If you want your business to become known and make sales, you need to be able to reach out to these influencers. They’re the ones who can spread the word about your product or service, and it’s up to you to find them.

One great way you can do this is by writing guest posts for blogs that are relevant to your business. Guest posts are articles that you write for another blog but don’t necessarily have anything to do with that blog’s content or audience. The idea behind a guest post is that if someone reads an article on another site, they might click through from there and check out yours.
ACOM Consulting offers outreach services for guest posts. We really know how hard it can be to find a guest post that fits your brand and audience, so we do the legwork for you. We’ll find great sites to reach out to, draft an email pitch, schedule interviews and posts with the sites, and then send over the content once it’s life.

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